Single and Content...Is It Possible?

I had reached out to my instagram community on some new topics to write about for my blog. I have had a bit of writer’s block and couldn’t seem to make up my mind, so why not ask the public. A good friend of mine responded to my post and asked me to write about how to be content with being single. I had texted to her to let her know I thought that was a brilliant topic, and that I would see what I could come up with. She had responded with, “You’re so good at it. You inspire me”. That really got me thinking that she’s right, I am content with where I am at in life at the moment, singleness and all.

I’ve never really been too caught up on the idea of being in a relationship. There have been times where I have been in relationships and not even wanted to be in said relationship (sorry boys). There are other times where I have wanted to be in said relationship, but the other party did not. It’s a rough cycle. I’m not sure if it’s the way I’ve seen most men treat women, including myself or if I genuinely like being left alone. Even as a teenager, I enjoyed a little attention, but the thought of being in anything more serious was not appealing to me. I loved having deep conversation and picking the opposite sex’s mind, but I never wanted to take it any farther than that. Fast forward to college where I genuinely believed I would receive my MRS degree. I did graduate with a degree, but it wasn’t that one. At that point, I really started to accept the facts that it’ll happen when it happens.

There are women in this world that genuinely live to be a wife and a mother. In my opinion, we need those women. We need women who want to share their love and passion to bring life into this world. Mothers are the best gifts anyone could ever receive. Those women show us how to be caregivers to each and every individual you meet in life. On the other hand, there are women who want nothing to do with having children or becoming a wife. I believe we also need those women. These women stand for independence. They show the world that every single woman in this world is different and unique. What end of the spectrum do I fall? I’d say I’m a little bit of both. I don’t long to be married with kids at the moment or any time soon for that matter. I am perfectly happy being alone with my cat, but I would like to build a small family eventually with the one I love. At this point, the farther away it is, the better because there’s a lot that comes with marriage that I am not ready to take on.

I believe that a lot of my contentment comes with my age. My elders tell me all the time to enjoy my twenties. There are some people who are enjoying their twenties being married to their love. That’s beautiful and I am so happy for those people, but I am also happy with and by myself….finally. At the ripe old (young) age of 25, I am starting to fall harder and harder in love with the woman God created me to be. I think that in order to be content with being single, you have to be content with the life you are currently living. If you are not content with your current life, make some changes! I believe you also need to be content with God’s plan for you. About a year ago, if you asked me if I was ready for marriage and kids, I would’ve 110% answered yes with no hesitation. Who the HELL was that girl because I sure as hell do not feel that way now. I was a girl masked by love with the wrong man. Since then, I have done everything in my power to fall in love with myself. I am comfortable going on dates alone, in fact, I prefer it. I enjoy my own company. Don’t get me wrong, I most definitely get lonely, but it’s not the sort of loneliness I want to fill with a man. Instead, I fill it with a glass of wine and encouraging Pinterest quotes, a bubble bath with candles or learning a new song on my piano. I know the world of social media can be killer sometimes as we continue to see the people we care about getting engaged and having kids, but I don’t look at that as a personal failure on my part. I am genuinely overjoyed for those people. I am so happy that their lives are falling into the place they want it to be. I am over the moon when I see how happy my friend’s significant others make them. I love seeing the ones I care about happy and that is enough for me. I believe that God has someone set aside for me, but for now, I am enjoying my own presence. So, to answer the initial question of if it’s possible to be single and content, I would have to say that yes, my dear friends, it absolutely is. Invest so much time into yourselves that you forget that you are even single. When I go out with friends, I get dolled up for myself not for a man. Do things that make YOU feel good. Put all that effort you put into others happiness into your own. If God’s plan for you is marriage, He will provide that, but in the meantime, enjoy life in the present. You owe it to yourself to be happy.