Listen to Your Body.
I recently quit my job. My cushy, full-time, decent paying, benefits + all that good stuff, job. I did this with no back up plan. In other words, I’m unemployed (well, for a week-ish I was unemployed, but I’ll get there) by choice. If you know me, you know this is far from anything I would ever do. No matter how bad a job environment has ever gotten, I have always made sure to have another job lined up. Not this time. I followed my gut, and I quit on the spot. Those of you reading this are probably thinking I’m nuts especially in this economy. Honestly, you’re not completely wrong. I am a little nutty. But, this time was different from any other time I’ve left a job. This time, I could feel it in my body that it was time to get out.
You always hear about how stress can affect the body, but I don’t know that I ever truly listened to my body when that stress kicked in. I would say that I am pretty good at harboring stress in my body and pushing myself to my absolute limits. *For reference, since May, I had been working full-time M-F during the day from 7am-3pm then driving an hour to my practicum site to work with clients from 4pm-7pm then driving an hour back home to end the day (every day).* I thought this made me strong and capable and a hard worker. Wrong girl. It just made me exhausted, both physically and mentally, gain weight, create tension in relationships….the list goes on and on. I’m not really sure why I continued to tell myself, “No, I’m ok, really” when in reality, I was definitely not ok. This realization really came to a head within the last few weeks at my cushy corporate job when I was forced to make a split second decision between the degree and the passion career I’ve been working so hard towards or the job that provides me my financial stability + health benefits, but tears away at every mental and physical fiber of my being. The decision, although incredibly daunting, became clear within moments. So, within a matter of a three email chain exchange and maybe 5 minutes or so, I quit my job.
I share all of this because I know I am not the only one who harbors an intense amount of stress due to their job. I know that sometimes it’s easier to stay at a position that provides you with everything you need to literally survive. I absolutely get it, and by no means am I encouraging everyone to up and quit their jobs. What I am encouraging you to do is to listen to your body. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is that we listen to what our body is trying to tell us. Take moments to truly rest and relax. Work can and will wait. The world is not going to end if you don’t answer an email within 5 minutes. If you don’t take the time to rest, your body is going to eventually decide for you whether it’s convenient for you or not.
I genuinely did not realize how long I have been living in a fight or flight mentality. I have been wrapped up in a toxic environment for the last year and half. I decided to choose what was best for my future and my mental and physical well-being. It feels refreshing and freeing, as if a weight has been truly lifted from my shoulders. I preach to my internship clients the importance of recognizing physiological cues in the body related to trauma, stress, and emotions, but I’ve realized I need to do the same for myself moving forward. I now recognize everything that I have been holding within me and that has affected my being as a whole. I know the road ahead won’t necessarily be easier when it comes to the financial side of life, but I do know that I will be in a better headspace to allow me to breathe and process moments versus panic attacks in the bathroom at my workplace every other week. I have chosen to listen to my body and recognize that it needs a break. I have chosen to focus on healing and growing and becoming a healthier version of myself.
I do hope the same for any of you reading this.❤️