The Lies Women Believe
This morning, I had the pleasure of attending a women’s gathering at our church with my mama. I went into the event fully open-minded and ready to listen to what these women had to share. What I didn’t realize is how powerful their testimonies would be to me.
The topic of this event (which explains my title) was “The Lies Women Believe”. I want to stop there for a moment. This statement in itself is so powerful. As women, we are taught so many different things such as how to dress, how to act, how to speak, how to look…the list goes on and on. If you’re not pretty enough, then you’re of no worth to that guy you’ve wanted to ask out for coffee. If you’re not smart enough, then you’re no good for that dream job you’ve been praying for. If you’re not Christian enough, then God isn’t going to love you as much. What do all these statements have in common? They are all complete and utter lies, but we’ve all believed them.
I’ll be honest with you…I have been struggling the last few months trying to figure out who I am and what’s my purpose. I’ve tried to find my worth in a man. I’ve tried to find my worth in my job. What I haven’t tried to find my worth in is myself. I’ve struggled for years searching for my identity in everything, but myself. I know you’re thinking, “Kait, what sense does that make?” and you’re right. What sense does it make? Why have I been continually telling myself I need a man to be that bright, bubbly, beautiful woman God created me to be? Why have I told myself that if I don’t make X amount of money and work this particular job in this particular field that I’m not worth anything? Why do I continue to believe these lies?
The last woman to share her testimony today really struck a cord with me. She shared her story with such grace and suffering that I felt a sort of pull on my heart while she spoke. At the end of her story, she had all of us stand and repeat after her. “I am worthy. I am beautiful. I am loved.” Those were a few of the statements she had us speak. Saying those words out loud alongside other broken and beautiful women truly opened my eyes. We all tell ourselves these lies, and we all believe them. The question to be answered though is why? We, as women, were created to do incredible things. God has given us the grace and power to move mountains if we try, so why are we continuously believing these lies and kicking ourselves for not being skinny enough, tall enough, smart enough, Christian enough? STOP IT. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. OWN that beauty that you have on the outside AND inside! Stop believing these lies that the world keeps throwing at us. You ARE pretty enough for that coffee date. You ARE smart enough for your dream job. There is no such thing as being Christian enough for God, so You ARE worthy enough for His love.
I am starting to regain the belief in myself. I’ve been lost for awhile sort of wandering around life. I know this won’t be the last time I believe the lies I tell myself, but I’m making more of an effort to believe that I am worth it. I am focusing on loving myself more and doing more things for me. Not because my friends told me to. Not because a man likes to do these things. Not because it’ll help me receive a high paying job. Nope. I am doing more for myself so I can rediscover my inner beauty. So, ladies…whenever you hear those lies telling you that you aren’t good enough? Take a moment to remember all the absolutely brilliant and incredible gifts you were given in this life. You are not your job, you are not your boyfriend, husband, best friend, the mom down the street, the girl with the dragon tattoo, etc. You are you and you are worthy and loved. I don’t think there is anything more beautiful than that.