A Letter to My Siblings

Dear Sibs,

This is going to be sappy, so just hang tight and try to get through the majority of this.

As your big sister, I wanted you both to know a few things. I couldn’t have gotten luckier with the two of you for my siblings. You both are incredibly talented, funny, and good people to be around. I love being your big sis. I know I don’t say it nearly as much as I should, but I love both of you with all of my heart. See, the 3 of us have been through it. Both individually and as a family. We may not sit down and talk life out, but we have other ways of encouraging each other. From what I’ve gathered, humor seems to be our best way to connect with one another, which I find to be refreshing. Each of us has a different type of humor, but we still find ways to make each other laugh. As siblings, I believe it is important to keep things lighthearted. I believe it is important for us to lean on each other for smiles. That may mean a silly text with a funny meme or gif or better yet, a quote from The Office, but that’s our thing.

Now, I want to speak to each of you individually for just a minute.

Sis, you are my built-in best friend. Lord (and everyone else) knows we didn’t love each other’s presence growing up, but whenever that all faded, I realized how much I was missing. You are incredibly smart, witty, and naturally beautiful on the inside and out. You have this way of bringing light to a heavy situation. Your love for the outdoors and all it has to offer is inspiring. I know you doubt yourself sometimes (as do we all), but you need to know you have potential beyond measure. Maybe someday I’ll be helping you plan events for your very own plant shop. Sissy, the possibilities for you are endless, you just have to remember to believe in yourself like I believe in you.

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Bro, I know I haven’t been around for much of your life. I know you’ve been through a lot, but I want you to know I am going to try very hard to make an effort to make myself more visible in your life. You are such a talented human. Your passion for all different types of music is incredibly cool. You may come off as having a hard outer shell, but you have such a big heart. I am really proud of how far you’ve come in your (almost) 23 years of life. You are doing things that make you genuinely happy and just living your life, and that is something I envy about you. I believe in all the things life has to offer you and I believe you are doing great.

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So, to end this sappy little letter, I want you both to know how much I care for you. There is nothing better than having two extremely unique individuals as siblings. I am a proud big sister. I am a thankful big sister. I am happy that I get to share this life and this world with built-in friends. I promise to make more of an effort to keep tabs on your lives and check in. I need you both to know I am always here for you. Life is going to be difficult. There are going to be times when you wanna throw in the towel and give up. If you get stuck in a situation where you don’t think there’s anyone else to call, please call me. Everything we go through teaches us a lesson on how to be stronger and you, my friends, are two of the strongest humans I know. I know you’ve got it in you to kick life in the a**. I love watching where life takes you both. I love you two. Thank you for being the best siblings a big sister could ask for.


Big Sis

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Kaitlyn Steinhauser